Psychological Testing

Dr. Jennifer Rodriguez is our psychological assessment and testing specialist. She provides psychological assessments for ADHD, psychiatric disorders and Learning Disabilities. Using a wide variety of assessment tools, we adapt testing to accommodate individual needs. Our comprehensive evaluations assist in determining appropriate psychiatric services and provide recommendations such as counseling, further testing, primary care follow-up, behavioral services, family support and need for academic accommodations. In collaborating with parents, teachers and service providers it allows us to help facilitate students’ personal, academic and behavioral growth.  

What to expect:
Assessments vary in time commitment based on the individual. We schedule an hour comprehensive intake and discuss all pertinent family, social, medical, and academic history. We then schedule a follow up appointment for testing. The process is broken up into manageable sessions ranging from a 1.5-hour block to a 3-hour block over the course of a few days.Breaks are scheduled within that timeframe. 

Dr. Jennifer suggests testing occur in the morning or midday due to the exhaustion children/teens experience after a full day of school. Remember we need their maximum effort to get conclusive result! A doctor’s note will be provided for school absence or tardiness. 

Questionnaires are sent to parents and teachers via email and physical copies that need to be filled out and returned to Dr. Jennifer. Once testing is complete and the questionnaires are in, we schedule a feedback session for 1 hour to go over all the results. Dr. Jennifer answers any questions and gives a full overview of what each score means and how it is interpreted. You will have a partial copy of the testing report and the full write up will be sent via email within a week or two after the feedback session.

Report writing is a very intensive and time-consuming task that includes recommendations and integration of all information. Everything will be covered in the feedback session, but the report may not be fully written due to any changes in recommendations based on parental feedback and needs.